Tuesday, 4 October 2011

National Loyalties

How can national loyalties create conflict?

Contending national loyalties can manifest issues between different peoples for various reasons. These conflicts can arise from unsettled disputes concerning land, or other reasons which may sometimes result in violence. Some examples of violence are: Israel and Palestine trying to conquer their land. Both of these peoples share historical, religious, spritual, cultural, and geographic backgrounds.

Canada also has it's rivaling loyalties which is basically Quebec against the rest of Canada. In 1995, Quebec tried to split itself from Canada with the power of a referendum. The results equally divided Canada and no changes remain.

Sovereignists believe that Quebecois have their own destiny to control while federalists oppose the idea of seperating Quebec. They also believe that they share an identity with Canada. The Priemere of Quebec told his people that they need to look out for themselves first inm order to affirm their identity because Canada is capable of being divided and is not a real country.

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